Saturday, February 21, 2009

Karma & Reincarnation THEORY

Karma & Reincarnation THEORY

What is Karma?

The word KARMA has many meanings in Hinduism such as

1. Action
2. Duty
3. Result of an action
4. Destiny
5. Effect
6. Result
7. Product
are some of them.

When you work or when you think, you create an impression in the Chitta or in the subconscious mind. That impression or vasana or tendency is also known as Samsara.

You and I are filled with impressions or vasanas or Samasaras. These SAMSARAS [subliminal tendencies] are the root cause of reincarnation as per the Upanishads.

From where did the concept of Karma orginate?

Details about KARMA was first described in the Satapatha Brahmana. The concept of KARMA originated from the Hindu belief that there is a PERFECT UNIVERSAL ORDER named RTA or RITA in the world.

Rig Veda discusses about RTA or RITA and god Varuna is the guardian of RTA. Nothing happens at random, but things happen under a universal order. Gods associated with RTA are Varuna and Mitra in the Rig Veda.

It is the RTA or RITA later became DHARMA in Hindu scriptures. That is the reason why it is very difficult to define the word DHARMA. Of course DHARMA is more complex than RTA or RITA.
It is the same DHARMA became the belief system known as SANATHANA DHRAMA...which finally became HINDUISM.

What exactly is the Law of Karma?

Hindus believe in life after death. They also believe in the concept, " Whatever a man soweth, that shall he also reap [ Gal 6:7] This is the basis of Karmic law.
Every action, every thought has a result. There is no such thing that an action or thought without a result. Every action and every thought is weighed on the scales of eternal justice. Nobody can get away from the claws of karma. Action is unavoidable even for the incarnation of God according to Lord Krishna.

What happens to us when we die?

According to Hindu scriptures, body alone dies. The immortal soul [ATMAN] within the body never dies. But the path that soul takes is decided by the PAST ACTIONS & THOUGHTS of the body, which are collectively called KARMAS.
A departed soul search and find out a body, where it can continue doing what ever it left off in the last life.

It is not necessary that a departed soul takes the body of a human being. According to Srimad Mahabhavatam Purana, it can even take the body of an animal or a lower life form. There are many stories in the vast Hindu mythology [Puranas] about that. Lord Krishna said in the Bhagavad Gita, that Atman [immortal soul within the body] go on changing bodies like body changes clothes, until Atman attains realization.

In Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna says: " The immortal soul which dwells within the body can never be slain" [Gita 2:30]

Are you saying that each person gets a body he or she deserves in the next life?

If you were a pious person in your last life, you will end up in a home, where both husband and wife are very pious. Reverse is equally true. Hinduism state that people can even go down in the ladder of evolution; a criminal may even take up the body of a tiger etc.

How important are our thoughts?

Every thought, however insignificant may be is counted. A thought never dies. It may lose its strength in time, but never dies completely.
Knowing the power of thoughts, Gautama Buddha said: "Hatred is not conquered by hatred at any time, but hatred is won by love; this is an eternal truth"

Jesus Christ said: "Love Thy Enemy" [ Luke 6:27]. You can punish your enemy BUT DO NOT HATE YOUR ENEMY. If you harbor hatred thoughts, the person you are destroying is you yourself. Hindu scriptures state that Any thought you make circles around you, like bees around a flower. Thoughts are very powerful. Hindu scriptures talk about instant judgments rather than one final judgment after death.

Our life is an "open book" and we are judged every second of our lives. There are volumes of literature in Hinduism about power of thoughts. In his very popular book Think & Grow Rich Napoleon Hill has repeated many Hindu ideas.

How can you say that the Law of Karma is true?

You are right. There are no clear cut scientific answers out there. But look around you, and you will see inequalities around us.

A baby is born in the dry deserts of Ethiopia and another baby is born in luxury of Beverly Hills. Both are innocent babies. One dies of malnutrition and other lives in luxury. Without the help of Karmic theory, we cannot explain this paradox in life.

Is God bound by the Law of Karma?

Yes, when God or IT [ I am using the word IT to address God, since God is neither man nor woman] takes a form and come to earth then we call that an avatar.

When God came as Lord Rama, he killed a Monkey king by trick way, and when God came back as Krishna he was killed by the same monkey, in the body of a hunter. God came as Lord Buddha to eradicate many things in Hindu society.

Jesus Christ himself gave up his life on the cross, to take care of the karmic debt of all the people such as apostles surrounded him. Each time Jesus cured a disease, each time he saved someone from death, he was voluntarily accepting KARMIC DEBT of others. Many departed saints in India, like Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, had accepted the KARMIC DEBT of his disciples. Ramakrishna died a painful death by cancer.

Can Karmic debt be transferred?

YES I think so. You can transfer Karmic debt of someone else to yourself willfully like Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Jesus, & Mogul emperor Humayoon did. You can also transfer karmic debt of someone else on to you, by attacking him or her by a very selfish manner. Believe me when Christ said: JUDGE NOT, YE BE NOT JUDGED , he was repeating what was written in many Hindu scriptures.

Everything you do or think is a “boomerang”. Your actions and thoughts will revisit you, exactly like a boomerang…So we have no right to hate. As per that law, we are forced to love even enemies for our own sake .

To discuss mistakes or bad karmas done by someone with the intention of correcting them is NOT JUDGING them. But maliciously attacking someone again and again for their bad karmas, with SELFISH MOTIVES can in fact transfer, THAT PERSON'S KARMIC DEBT ON TO YOU.

Concept of Karma& Reincarnation is to help people. They are not discussed to make lives of people miserable. It is NOT to hurt or to make life miserable for people on earth. If “Concept of Karma& Reincarnation” intendto judge or punish people, then Hinduism is no better than other religions which believe in ORIGINAL SIN & ETERNAL HELL.

Lord Krishna has assured us in the Bhagavad Gita;

“Even if you are the worst sinner in the world, you can cross the ocean of sin with a bark of wisdom.

With that statement at hand, nobody need worry. Puzzling questions about "Karma & Reincarnation" Theory

Which came first? First Birth or First Karma:

In Hindu scriptures, first birth or first karma is not discussed. What came first, first birth or first karma ? That is a million dollar question. If soul does not have any karma, why a soul took a body to begin with?

Only answer is soul taking the body is a part and parcel of nature of things, as the way Krishna told Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna said in the Bahgavad Gita, that Creation and Annhilation of the universe is Leela - a childlike ex-pression of God. .

Man is deluded by MAYA [ illusion ] in believing he is the perishable body and not the immortal soul within. The moment man realizes he is the immortal soul within, he will attain salvation or self-realization.

In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna states,

“ In the beginning of time or KALPA, I create everything and at the end of time KALPA, the whole creation merge in me. By my will the whole universe is created & annihilated again and again “ [9:7,8,]

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